Wednesday, July 7, 2010

A Letter To Myself

Last night, I watched an old video that my dad recorded back when I was 4 years old. I've never seen such a happy, hyper, crazy kid in my life. This had me thinking for a while. I think I would definitely be more fun to hangout back then than I am right now.
If I could write a letter to myself, I think it would go something like this..

First, I would prove that its really me by saying all the secrets.
1. since i couldn't go to the bathroom by myself, i once pooped in my grandma's closet and wiped it all over her wall thinking that it would dry and dissolve after awhile. I blamed it on my cousin who was just a year younger than me. she got in a big trouble and had to clean it with my grndma. i was glad that i was so smart.
2. i had a crush on one of my friend's mom for the longest time. but shes all wrinkly and old now.
3. when i was older, probably about 7 or 8 years old, i stole my cousin's barbie, hid it under my bed and kissed it every night before bed. after kissing my parents goodnight.
4. when i was in 4th-5th grade, i tried my very first cigarette with my best pals, tom, paul, and luke. it was disgusting and i coughed like a little girl.

But then ofcourse, I would mention that secrets safe with me since I am me... even though i'm writing this for all to see.

Then I would warn myself a few things that might be harsh for me to deal with in the future.
1. santa is not real. but pretend like you believe in him as long as you can. i fooled my parents til i was in 6th grade.
2. when your 4, you will get a baby sister who is very cute. but she will annoy the hell out of you everyday after she turns 3.
3. mom will put a leash on your wrist everytime you go outside when you turn 5. after you successfully take the leash off while no ones watching at the mall, you will lose our parents for a few hours. but a sexy security lady will help you find them.
4. when your in secondary school, dont freak out when you hear our parents talking about moving to the states. i promise you that america is 10 times better than england. and you wont be in secondary school anymore, but you'll get to graduate elementary school again!
5. you will waste a year in college trying to figure out what your going to do for the rest of yourlife. take all the time you need.

Most importantly, I would tell myself to do my best in school and try to be a better person than i am right now.
There will be a lot of times where you will be stuck at a winding road, but you will do just fine. Try to find some goofy looking kids at kcpc. they will be your first real best friends and yall will start a dynasty

oh.. and be good to your mother. shes the best and knows everything.


  1. hey i like this!

  2. amazing blog entry topic...

    and that guys mom.. HAHAHAHA truly milf
